62 research outputs found

    Innovative coordination of agribusiness chains and networks

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    To facilitate scientifically grounded innovative forms of strategic network coordination, this paper integrates two major bodies of literature on competitive advantage. The two bodies of literature are the industry-oriented outside-in approach, and the competence-oriented inside-out approach, here homogenized along the dimensions of degrees of firm embeddedness, respectively, the broadness of shared resource bases. The elements detailed are interfirm relationships, resource bases, network governance instruments, coordination mechanisms, the impact of events on network structures, and the active mobilisation of actors and resource. Thereby, the paper is able to detail 5 generic types of business networks. Next, it relates 21 network governance instruments to type of partnerships (binding vs loosening), forms of interaction (cooperative vs opportunistic). The realized reduction of network complexity enhances conceptual transparency and increases the instrumental usage of this research for effective network coordination by businesses. An integrated case illustrates the usefulness of the various concepts and the coherency of the different elements

    Voedselverliezen: hoe denken stakeholders erover? : een onderzoek naar perceptie, houding en uitvoeringsgedrag van stakeholders om voedselverliezen te voorkomen

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    Het verlies van voedsel vraagt de aandacht van het ministerie van Landbouw, Natuur en Voedselkwaliteit. In dit rapport worden stakeholders die betrokken zijn bij voedselproductie gevraagd naar hun beleving van voedselverliezen. Kernvragen zijn: Zijn voedselverliezen een probleem? Wordt er al actie ondernomen om voedselverliezen te verminderen? Welke acties zijn dat? Onder welke voorwaarden kunnen welke maatregelen zinvol zijn? In deze rapportage worden de resultaten van deze interviews gepresenteerd

    Duurzame energie: stroomt het? : belemmeringen in wet- en regelgeving en vergunningsverlening bij de implementatie van duurzame energiesystemen in de glastuinbouw

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    Om de implementatie van duurzame energiesystemen in de glastuinbouw te bevorderen, is het belangrijk dat zoveel mogelijk wordt voorkomen dat glastuinbouwondernemers belemmeringen ondervinden in wet- en regelgeving of vergunningverlening als ze willen omschakelen naar dergelijke energiesystemen. Andere belangen - zoals die van omwonenden, andere ondernemers, of natuur en/of drinkwater gebieden - mogen echter ook niet worden geschaad. Dit onderzoek speelt zich af in dit krachtenveld. Belemmeringen in wet- en regelgeving en vergunningverlening bij de implementatie van duurzame energiesystemen, achtergronden daarvan en oplossingsrichtingen staan centraal

    The Impact of Downstream Network Subgroups on Collaboration and Performance: A Survey of Buyer-Supplier Relationships in the Dutch Flower Sector

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    In this paper, we aim to identify those network subgroups that enhance the collaborative governance in a focal buyer-supplier relationship. We argue, that partners in a focal buyer-supplier relationship can be seen as embedded in a broader network of business relationships with network subgroups, (e.g. other buyers, buyers customers), which provide information that can support the collaborative governance, assessed by flexibility, joint planning and joint problem solving, by lowering the level of information asymmetry between the partners. Empirical evidence was gathered through a mailed questionnaire returned by 175 Dutch suppliers of potted plants and flowers. Our results show the importance of the information provided by the network subgroups to manage the focal buyer-supplier relationships and ultimately the impact on performance. Interestingly, although five network subgroups were mentioned in the questionnaire, suppliers only obtained reliable information for their focal relationship from the downstream subgroups of other buyers (i.e. merchant-distributors) and buyer's customers (i.e. supermarkets and flower shops). In order to avoid redundancy, managers in seeking information in their business network should not consider the network as a whole, but rather the downstream subgroups.Industrial Organization,

    Ammoniakemissiereductie : opties en condities voor zelfregulering

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    This study focuses on the policy side of the ammonia emission problem. The starting point in this is that in developing new policy options, the possibilities for aligning government measures with the business practice of cattle farmers occupy centre stage. To this end, the possibilities of self(regulation are examined as a counterpart for the current central hierarchical regulatory system. When working out the details of selfregulation, it is important to find a balance between the opportunities available for cattle farmers to take measures themselves and achieving the public objectives for which cattle farmers have to give account of themselves to the government: from 'government' to 'governance

    Kansen en belemmeringen in duurzame ketenvorming : primair bedrijf in ketens?

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    In de Nederlandse landbouw zijn diverse initiatieven om in ketenverband duurzamer te produceren. Echter, de groei van deze ketens is minder snel dan maatschappelijk gewenst is. Dit onderzoek wil op basis van negen cases van nicheproducten inzichtelijk maken waar de groeibelemmeringen in deze ketens zitten. Ook wordt ingegaan op de rol van de ketenpartijen en anderen (bijvoorbeeld de overheid) bij het oplossen van deze belemmeringen

    Kansen en belemmeringen in duurzame ketenvorming; Primair bedrijf in ketens?

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    In agricultural chains in the Netherlands, there are many initiatives to produce more sustainably. However, the growth of these chains is proceeding more slowly than is socially desirable. On the basis of nine case studies of niche products, this study attempts to provide an insight into where the obstacles to the growth of such chains lie. In addition, we examine the role of the chain parties and others (for example, the government) in removing these obstacles. In de Nederlandse landbouw zijn diverse initiatieven om in ketenverband duur& zamer te produceren. Echter, de groei van deze ketens is minder snel dan maatschappelijk gewenst is. Dit onderzoek wil op basis van negen cases van ni& cheproducten inzichtelijk maken waar de groeibelemmeringen in deze ketens zitten. Ook wordt ingegaan op de rol van de ketenpartijen en anderen (bijvoor& beeld de overheid) bij het oplossen van deze belemmeringen.Chains Dutch Agriculture, Agricultural and Food Policy, Farm Management,

    The impact of downstream network subgroups on collaboration and performance. A survey of buyer-supplier relationships in the Dutch flower sector

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    In this paper, we aim to identify those network subgroups that enhance the collaborative governance in a focal buyer-supplier relationship. We argue, that partners in a focal buyer-supplier relationship can be seen as embedded in a broader network of business relationships with network subgroups, (e.g. other buyers, buyers customers), which provide information that can support the collaborative governance, assessed by norms of flexibility, joint planning and joint problem solving, by lowering the level of information asymmetry between the partners. Empirical evidence was gathered through a mailed questionnaire returned by 175 Dutch suppliers of potted plants and flowers. Our results show the importance of the information provided by the network subgroups to manage the focal buyer-supplier relationships and ultimately the impact on performance. Interestingly, although five network subgroups were mentioned in the questionnaire, suppliers only obtained reliable information for their focal relationship from the downstream subgroups of other buyers (i.e. merchant-distributors) and buyer’s customers (i.e. supermarkets and flower shops). In order to avoid redundancy, managers in seeking information in their business network should not consider the network as a whole, but rather the downstream subgroups
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